Meet the team: Lew Nightingale, Videographer & Photographer

Headshot of Lew Nightingale

Meet the team: Lew Nightingale, Videographer & Photographer

Our colleagues are at the heart of our business and they make us who we are.

Today, we sat down with Lew to learn more about their vision, advice, and snack of choice.

What did you do before you joined the For Everyone Group?

“I was working as a freelance videographer after getting my degree in Film Production at University down in Southampton.”

What’s one thing you’re looking forward to achieving with the team this year?

“I’m looking forward to progressing in the company and seeing the marketing team expand and develop further. I’m also excited for more product launches and large campaigns, as those are always very rewarding.”

What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone starting out in marketing?

“I would say it’s essential to learn from the people around you and always be open to trying something new. Also be open to feedback from your peers, as it never hurts to have a fresh set of eyes.“

What’s your favourite office snack?

“I’m a sucker for anything sweet, so it’s got to be Haribo Starmix or some sort of chocolate!”

Tell us something about you that might surprise us.

“When I was younger, I had an 8-hour surgery to correct Scoliosis. My spine has a titanium rod each side of it, which are connected through the bone by bolts the entire way up, to keep my spine straight. I have a massive scar that runs from my neck to just below my waistline!”

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